Author Archive: Charlotte SAA

Get Ready: 36th Annual ISO Convention, May 31 – June 2 in Columbus Ohio

Registration is now OPEN

The ISO Convention is the world’s largest SAA fellowship event, attended by SAA members from all over the world. It’s a multi-day event filled with speakers, workshops, and other great fellowship opportunities!

If you are interested in attending, please visit for more details. The password to enter the site is keepcomingback.

Literature reps and other trusted servants: Consider printing copies of the convention brochure to share with your meeting. The brochure can be found here.

Financial Assistance

For individuals

Local meetings typically offer financial assistance to members interested in attending the convention. The availability and appropriation of funds depends on the the budget and group conscience of each meeting. Typically each meeting is able to fund two attendees, but this is not a requirement, nor is it consistent for every meeting. If you are interested in attending, start by asking your meeting’s secretary and treasurer about financial assistance.

For groups/meetings

GCAI (Greater Charlotte Area Intergroup) can offer funds to local meetings to cover expenses for members attending the convention. Requests for financial assistance should be agreed upon by a meeting’s group conscience before the request is made, and all requests must be signed by the requester and the meeting’s secretary. To submit a request, complete the form linked below and send it to

GCAI Financial Assistance Request Form