
Now that you’ve made it to our site, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. Take the Test
  2. Read “What is Sex Addiction?”
  3. Attend a meeting as soon as possible

Our site exists to provide information about the SAA fellowship in the Charlotte, North Carolina area for sex addicts in all stages of recovery. If you believe you may be suffering from sex addiction or compulsive sexual behavior, you have come to the right place. We provide information and resources in support of your recovery. Sex addiction is not a hopeless condition. Many sex addicts achieve lasting recovery with the help of this program. SAA is grounded in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous. It is through the application of these fundamental tools that we sex addicts open ourselves to the reality of recovery in our lives… one day at a time.

We offer meetings in the Charlotte area every day of the week.
See the Meetings page for details.

Service Opportunity: Prisoner Outreach

The International Service Organization of SAA (ISO) recently sent out this call for volunteers to participate in their prisoner out reach program. If you’re interested in a great service opportunity, please read their letter below and consider joining their efforts.

Friends in recovery…

Requests from prisoners for information, literature, and ongoing help continue to pour into the ISO office. Despite procedural changes to streamline the handling of these requests, the need for letter writers/sponsors persists.

The need:  Members of the fellowship to write to prisoners and offer to sponsor them by correspondence. There are more than 100 prisoners currently waiting to be assigned a writer/sponsor.

Surely in a fellowship of more than 2200 registered SAA meetings, there are a few hundred members who can offer this important service to prisoners seeking help with their addiction. Sponsors might also consider encouraging their sponsees to become writers/sponsors.  Sponsoring a prisoner is gratifying and supports us in our recovery.

Members of our fellowship who work with prisoners consistently report a significant positive impact on their own recovery.

The action:  Sign up now to help an incarcerated addict.

Sign up at https://saa-recovery.org/powriter

More information and an explanation of what is involved are available on the ISO service website: https://saa-iso.org/mbrs/po/index.php. The username is keepthe password is comingback.

The Prisoner Outreach Committee and the ISO staff stand ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Email info@saa-recovery.org or call the office at +1 713-869-4209.

Please volunteer today to help the prisoner seeking help! The online sign-up form is here: https://saa-recovery.org/powriter.

ISO Prisoner Outreach Committee